I'm back from my week in Hong Kong, and it really went by so fast. It seems like a blur, just like the tons of people who went whizzing by me everyday. Before I start getting into my travel posts (don't forget, every Monday and Tuesday), here's a little travel video of the sights and sounds of my week in Hong Kong.
Chinese Walnut Cookies for the Lunar New Year
2 weeks ago
Did your come accross a dessert place called "Moon Gei"?
No, I didn't see that. But I have to admit I didn't pay much attention to the sweet places. By the time I was done with either lunch or dinner, I was too full to think about dessert (plus, I usually got dessert at the restaurants). What's Moon Gei's specialty? Hope it's not bubble tea! ;-)
Any trends over there not in the SF Bay Area? What's the name of the song & who sings it for your video?
A, one of the trends in the last year is the obsession over ramen, but I didn't get a chance to try any. I have a feeling that trend may be affected by concerns about anything from Japan. The Hong Kongnese are a bit of worriers. Another trend is similar to the Bay Area. While we have "pop up" restaurants, HK has private kitchens where people dine at "unlicensed" restaurants. I visited one that was actually licensed but still didn't have a sign outside.
Oh, I forgot to mention the music in the video is "Good Life," the new single from OneRepublic.
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